Unreal 4 Sequencer & Pre-vis [Week 4 Of 19th Feb]

During this week I needed to get used to using the engine. going through the tutorial provided by epic games in a couple if days i understood the basics of using sequencer and it's awesome. I've always wondered that doing cinematic in a game engine would be complicated, but it's surprisingly not if you have used any animation software or adobe premiere.

I've mainly just been messing around with the intro of my cinematic and after putting the animations in the game engine i'ts has made it clear where i have problems and the animations are going to need cleaning up. the main issue i had was foot sliding and just making the camera cuts a little easier on the eyes. as i felt that the characters between camera cuts are jumping around too much.

However the use of subscenes in UE4 is quite tricky for me to understand so that will take time to look into i won't try to explain it here. there was some interesting features of how i can link animations to play only when a certain camera spawns into the scene.

Here is a test of my intro.

I also finished plotting the first half of my fight after the intro begins. it's just to get the timing down i really need to sell the impact of the fight as right now it looks like they're are slapping each other for most of the time. Parts might change though as i don't really like how some parts are going, section was heavily referenced, but i don't think that reference alone is going to work out.
Rendered screenshot 
I got a little bored one day and thought to do some posing to understand the limits of the character a bit more and a way to present my work a little better.
